Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lower Stomach Exercise - Part 1

Today we will talk about the exercises for the lower stomach. Many people found a lot of fat deposits on the lower stomach region, and sadly it is the most difficult to get rid off. Losing fat from a particular region is not possible, in this case losing fat only from lower abs. So you also need to concentrate on overall fat loss along with these powerful lower abs exercises.

1. Reverse Crunches

To do reverse crunches
1. Lie on your back on a bench or floor and place the hands on the floor. If you are using the bench hold on the rack behind you for support.

2. Bend your knees and bring them up far towards your face. Remember not to lift your pelvis off the bench.

3. Contract the abs to curl the hips off the floor, reaching the legs up towards the ceiling.

4. Slowly lower your knees until your rear end comes to rest on the bench again. Repeat the movement, also do
this movement deliberately and under control.
Image Credit - Reverse Crunch, About.com

2. Hanging Reverse Crunches

This is also similar to reverse crunches or you can call it another version of reverse crunches but you do it by hanging your hands from a bar instead of lying on a bench or floor.

To do hanging reverse crunches 
1. Hang on a bar and bring your knees up to the level of your abdomen.

2. Crunch and raise your knee up as far as high as possible rolling your back and crunching as hard as possible.

3. Some people, especially those with heavy weight finds it difficult to do hanging reverse crunches. A variation to this is lying head up ward on a slanting board.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

6 Tips to Lose Your Stomach Fat

Earlier I have said that it is not only the ab exercises that makes a flat stomach and 6 pack abs but most importantly you have to also reduce your stomach fat. So here I will give some cool tips that helps you to lose your tummy fat.

1. Open you notepad or spreadsheet and write down all your current body measurements and weight. It includes your chest, biceps, abs, thighs, calves etc. and your current body weight. I highly recommend to get a body fat calculator which gives accurately how much body fat you have.

2. Now calculate your calorie requirements. You can use Harris-Benedict equation or Katch - McArdle formula to calculate this. After calculating your daily calorie requirements, that is how much calories you need to take each day to maintain your current body weight, cut 500 calories from it to lose fat.

3. So you know how much calories you need to take each day to lose fat. Now it's time to split it into actual meals. Get a food table (you can search on internet) and figure out how many calories the food you eat contains. And split it into six meals. So you need to take six meals a day spaced 2-3 hours. It's always better to eat small frequent meals throughout the day than three big meals as it increases your metabolism and helps you lose fat. Also avoid high GI carbs, sugars and junk foods.

4. Get ready for a cardio. You need not buy any fancy equipments or spend long hours to do cardio. A brisk walk or treadmill will do the work. Also make your cardio short and intense. Short high intensity cardio have proved to be more effective than the long low intensity cardio. A 25-30 minutes cardio for 3-5 times a week is enough to get great results.

5. This tip I am giving you here is the most important and the most neglected one. Do weight training. It is most neglected part when one trying to lose fat. If you include a weight training session in your program you can skyrocket you fat loss. You do not need to workout for 6 days a week for 3 hours. Just do weight training for 45 minutes 3 times a week and you can see a major change in your body. You will also develop ab muscles as a result.

6. After 4 weeks open that notepad or spreadsheet and enter your current body measurements and weight. Sometimes you may see an increase in your weight and measurements. That's strange?. No, the reason is because fat loss and weight loss are entirely different. People every time believes that fat loss and weight loss are the same. If you lose your lean body mass and water, you had a weight loss. But for a fat loss to occur you need to lose your FAT. That's exactly what happend here. You increased you lean body mass, and that may be the result in weight gain, but remember I have told you to measure your body fat and you can see a decrease there. That's all we wanted and your journey was successful. Stick with it as long as you want to see more results!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is Crunches The Right Solution For A Flat Stomach?

Crunches are probably the first name you hear when on starting to reduce the stomach. But is crunches as effective as you think. The answer is both Yes and No.

There are many people who do more than 100 crunches and see no results. If crunches was very powerful then these guys must have seen great progress. So what actually helps you to flatten stomach and get a six pack abs.

The real results comes when you combine stomach exercises like crunches with losing fat. And yes crunches are not effective in losing fat. Crunches helps you to build ab muscles but not powerful in losing fat.

So you need to do ab workouts to build muscles in your abs and plan a good diet and cardio to lose fat to get a flat stomach.